Here is a short movie of Tessa playing frisbee as a young puppy.
Tessa’s First Tricks [video]
These are Tessa’s very first tricks, performed when she was 11 weeks old.
Tessa’s Tricks & Frisbee [video]
Here is a movie of Tessa playing frisbee and performing some tricks.
Fun with the Dogs [video]
Here is a movie of Tessa and Java having fun this evening.
This is my first movie on my new channel! Click here to go to my main channel.
The music in this video can be found at: Free Play Music
Tessa’s Hike [video]
Tessa and I went up on the hill behind our house. Tessa practiced paws up and jumping onto the rocks. When we got home, she enjoyed a quick swim in the pool!
The music in this video can be found at: Freeplay Music
Triple Cup Kibble Challenge [video]
Here is an idea of a fun, mentally stimulating game to play with your dog at mealtime.
Make a Peanut Butter Cup for Your Dog! [video]
Make your dog’s mealtime fun with the Peanut Butter Cup!
The music in this video can be found at: Freeplay Music
Special Meal [video]
Tessa and Java enjoy a special meal, kibble with rice and veggies with coconut oil sauce and the delicious dessert of banana coconut oil cookies.
The music in this video can be found at: Freeplay Music
Tessa’s Favorite Tricks [video]
Here is a collection of Tessa’s favorite tricks, open/close crate door, go thru tunnel, roll over, paws up, look in cup, blow bubbles and speak.
The music in this video can be found at: Freeplay Music