
Another frisbee practice – “3 in 1” throws [video]

Here is another movie of me and Tessa practicing the “3 in 1” frisbee throw catches. I am really working on getting her to keep running after a catch. She is doing really well. Pretty soon, she’ll be catching all the frisbees in the same throw!

Stay tuned for more! 🙂

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Tessa’s entry for eliluvsdice’s trick contest [video]

This is our entry for eliluvsdice’s trick contest.

The music in this video can be found at: Freeplay Music

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How to teach a dog or puppy not to chase or mouth brooms or mops

Puppies are very curious and playful and can develop undesirable behaviors if not taught. One is chasing or mouthing brooms or mops. The key is to teach impulse control. Here are instructions on how to solve this problem by replacing it with a desirable behavior. This was written specifically for a owner of a puppy, but owners of adult dogs who have this problem can hopefully benefit from this too.
Step 1) Calmness walking by the broom/mopBegin by having your dog on leash (preferably with the leash attached to a harness, if you have one) and with a handful of treats and your mop or broom nearby. Put the mop on the ground and walk your puppy by it, dropping treats for him/her staying calm. If your puppy can’t stay calm, increase your distance from the broom, then work your way up as your dog succeeds. Once your dog can calmly walk next to the stationary broom, you’re ready for step two.

Step 2) Calmness with slight movements with the broom

Begin with distance if necessary. With your dog on leash, have a helper make a small movement with the broom, before your puppy has a chance to think about biting or chasing it, pop a treat in his/her mouth. Repeat this a few times, then feed your puppy the treat one second after the broom movement, repeat several times. Increase the time between the broom moving and your dog receiving his/her reward for being calm.

If you had to start with distance, slowly decrease the distance as your dog succeeds.

Step 3) More broom movement

Slowly increase the broom movement (starting with distance if necessary). As your dog is succeeding, start to make more of a sweeping motion, feeding your puppy a treat every time.

Step 4) Lessen rewards
Begin to lessen the rewards, giving your puppy a treat for every 2-3 times for being calm with the broom is moved. Continue to increase the movement until you can sweep or mop and your puppy doesn’t seem to care at all.

Prevention and Management:
Solving an undesirable behavior involves several layers, not only do you train the absence of it to take its place, but you also have to use prevention and management so your dog doesn’t practice the undesirable behavior out of a training session. Use prevention and management in your case, by putting the broom away or out of reach from your puppy (if he will attack it when it is stationary), have your puppy in his/her crate or in another room when you have to use the mop or broom. This way, your puppy won’t practice the undesirable behavior and your training efforts will make a difference.

Other tips:
– Don’t encourage this behavior – never incise your puppy to chase or bit the broom.
– Don’t yell at your puppy, this increases the excitement and drive to attack the broom.
– Use tasty treats, I like to use cheese and meat.
– Be patient
– The key to success is to go at your dog’s pace – don’t rush through the steps.

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Training sessions – Tulip and Socks [video]

Here is a short movie of the training sessions that I did today with Tulip and Socks. I am in the process of teaching Tulip to touch her nose to the end of a target stick.

Socks is the sweetest little kitty, but doesn’t care at all about treats or food. She would rather rub against me, sit in my lap or have me et her. This is really sweet, but makes motivating her in training a little trickier, so I am experimenting using praise and attention as a reward.

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Clicker training with Tulip the cat [video]

I have been training Tulip, one of our outdoor cats, she is so smart! I have been clicker training her for about a week now. She is so much fun to train. 🙂

We have four cats (Socks, Stripes, Tulip and Mollie). I have been able to train three of them, but Socks is a bit of a challenge. She is so affectionate and doesn’t care about the food (canned cat food) at all, she just wants to rub against me or sit in my lap. If you can help me with this, please email me or leave a comment. Thanks. 🙂

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Pool fun with Java and Tessa [video]

Java and Tessa enjoyed a swim in the pool this afternoon. It is getting really warm here.

The music in this video can be found at: Freeplay Music

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Tessa plays frisbee – 3 frisbees in one throw catches [video]

I am in the process of teaching Tessa the “3 frisbees in one throw catch” (I’m not sure what it’s called.) It is the throw where you stack 3 frisbees on each other and throw them, then the dog catches one, drops it, catches another, drops it, and catches the last one.

I’m not sure how to teach this, so I’m just experimenting with this method. If you have any suggestions, please let me know and if you happened to know what this throw is called, please tell me. Thanks. 🙂

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Tessa’s Birthday! [video]

Today is Tessa’s first birthday. In the morning she got “human food” breakfast. Later in the day, she celebrated her birthday with her friends, Chloe and Jak and had cupcakes and ice cream.

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Socks Oversees Frisbee Practice [video]

Socks, the cat, likes to watch Tessa play frisbee. She just sits and watches. 🙂


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Fun with the hose [video]

Tessa has loved water ever since she was a young puppy. She especially loves the hose. I have taken advantage of this by using it as a reward.


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